* NewWebCash.com is About Opportunity *

You Can Make Money Online


In today's economy many people are finding themselves short at the end of the month. Perhaps it's mortgage costs, medical, raising children or just the costs of trying to live with the basic necessities of life. Just when you think you might get some control over finances it seems that interest rates change, the government pushes some onerous and costly program or something else happens to make life more difficult.

Your Internet Based Business Needs A Strong Foundation

One of the nice things about an Internet based business is that they can frequently be home bases businesses as well. This article can be applied to many home based businesses that are not necessarily Internet based.

An Internet business can be an extremely profitable venture regrettably many fail due to a lack of a proper foundation, tools and 'sweat equity'. Rather than profits they can reap wasted time, lost respect and lost income. Not getting, and making use of the proper tools and knowledge can turn a good, profitable venture into a loss. What I want to do in this article is offer some basic guidelines on setting up an Internet based business in your home in such a way as to maximize the chance of it being profitable.

Looking at successful Internet entrepreneurs you will see that most have set their business on firm foundations.

Cornerstone #1 ~ Proper Tools

Without the proper tools any business is off to a bad start and an Internet business is no exception. Fortunately there are tools readily available. A computer, with an Internet connection, product and business plan are the basic necessities. Depending on the business you might even get by on a borrowed computer (public library) but it is best to get your own equipment as soon as you can.

Cornerstone #2 ~Low Starting Investment

Most people look to start an Internet, or other home based business, due to a desire to increase their income. Large amounts of investment capitol are not usually available. It is also important to realize that the more it costs to set it up the longer it takes to show a profit. The lower the costs in starting a business the more people can take advantage of doing so. This does not mean that there will be too much competition though, there are a plethora of areas a person can choose to target.

Cornerstone #3 ~Easy to Start & Operate

One of the main causes of a business failing is getting in over your head. The new business is just too much work to fit into the available time and many home based and Internet businesses fail for just this reason. It does not have to be that way and most Internet businesses can be operated and maintained in without consuming vast amounts of time.

The best Internet business will consist of simple steps that can be taken in the time available to the owner. Simplifying also reduces the chances for errors and problems.

Cornerstone #4 ~Rapid ROI

The more attention you paid to getting the first three cornerstones correctly in place the greater the chances are that there can be a Rapid Return On Investment. Unless you are one of the few lucky people with time and funds to spare you will want to see any new venture start paying off as soon as it can. Lack of a ROI is one of the major reasons that people just give up on Internet and home bases businesses.

How long should it take to see a ROI? Many texts say that a now business should not expect to see any profits for a year or more. Fortunately Internet based businesses (and some other home based businesses) can realistically expect to see some ROI in weeks. Now understand, this is Return On Investment not Repayment Of Investment. Total repayment is a different matter and depends greatly on how much was spent on Cornerstones #1 and 2.

It also needs to be noted that setting up by spending as little as possible does not mean that mean that a new business has to look cheap. By taking care in little things like spelling, photography, printing, page design and shipping a small home based Internet business can look just as impressive, and professional as a multimillion dollar enterprise. Remember that doing something right seldom takes any more time than doing it wrong – but it looks so much better. Start with something that you know about or have an interest in, later you can expand into other areas or start up additional businesses.

All the above may sound simple to some, and it is very basic. Four cornerstones to build a profitable business on is not a lot when you look at it as four steps. Remember the KISS principle, Keep It Simple Stupid. I have been guilty of failing KISS many times by over complicating and obsessing over little things. Don't do it, it only leads to frustration.

In future articles we will look at:

Free Programs For Your Internet Based Business part 01

Internet Business Foundations

Setting up a web site on the Internet.

Protect Your Computer

Business Plan.

Getting Noticed and finding customers.

Letting other sites sell for you.

Prestart Inventory.

Selling other people's products without an inventory.

* NewWebCash.com is About Opportunity *

Email us for more information about anything on this site.


Please note that we are offering this information and a suggestion that you read and study it as a part of your research into increasing your income. Everyone is different and we cannot promise that any of our information, the free, or paid materials we link to or applying the principles therein will increase your income. We do think that the potential is there and that readers need to find the particular area that they want to investigate. In some cases we will receive a reward for any purchase you may make.

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What one photographer is doing with macro images. Quisqualis Etsy

What Are Your Hobbies? Here is an advanced hobbyist that found a way to generate income to pay for new plants.
Grafting Kit

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